Home > Find a church > Sutton > Christ Church
Evangelical Church of England
Christchurch Park, Sutton SM2 5TN
Sunday Services:
8am BCP Holy Communion
10.30am All-age Worship (1st Sunday) Holy Communion (2nd and 4th) Morning Worship (3rd and 5th)
The Sunday morning service can also be seen
online using YouTube
Online Morning Prayer, 8am Monday-Friday
(apply for the login by email to christchurch23646@gmail.com)
Online Evening Prayer, 5:30pm Monday-Friday
(apply for the login by email to christchurch23646@gmail.com)
Minister: Revd Phil Brooks
email: vicar@suttonteamministry.org
phone: 020 8642 2757
church office email: christchurch23646@gmail.com
website: christchurchsutton.org